Now What?!


Look, until global warming gets worse, I can’t see myself moving to New Hampshire just to get to get in on some primary action when it might actually matter. So here I sit, thumbs twiddling, until Super Tuesday. Woo-hoo. I’m wearing my Bright Blue Dot button to cheer myself up until then. But I still feel cheated when it comes to taking part in the political process. Don’t get me wrong! There’s a lot to like about both of the Democratic front-runners. But Biden, Dodd, Edwards and Richardson (in alphabetical, not necessarily preferential, order) brought nuance and depth to the winnowing process. Even Gravel and Kucinich had their points. For a few halcyon weeks, it felt like there were some bona fide issues being discussed and actual differences being exposed. At this point, I feel like I’m about to vote on awarding a merit badge, not on sending someone to the White House. Who deserves to break tradition first? Or, who’s got more clout … the ex-president or a TV talk show host?! Please. I guess my only consolation at this point: even the Kennedys are whip-sawed over this one.

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